NIAOULI – THE PLANT Scientific name: Melaleuca Viridiflora. Description: Evergreen tree about 10 m tall, of the Myrtaceae family. Origin: Native to forests, streams and swamps of monsoon regions of Australia and New Guinea. NIAULI – THE “ORGANIC” ESSENTIAL OIL Technique: Extracted from the leaves and young branches of the tree, by steam distillation. Aromatic compounds: Monoterpenes: α-pinene, limonene, Monoterpenols: α-terpineol, Terpene Oxides: 1,8 cineole and Sesquiterpenols: viridiflorol. Odor: Cool, soft, refreshing, reminiscent of camphor and an undertone resembling eucalyptus. Country of origin: Madagascar COMBINATIONS With essential oils of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon, Orange, Mint, Basil, Pine, Tea Tree, Thyme, Lavender, Fennel.